We are using new technology IASIS Micro-Current Neurofeedback (MCN)
At Trinity Integrative Care, we are using a new technology called IASIS Micro-Current Neurofeedback (MCN). This involves attaching very small electrodes to the scalp and a micro-current (three trillionths of one watt) is introduced. This current is so small it cannot be felt. A recent study by the University of California at San Diego with veterans suffering from traumatic brain injury, depression, and anxiety showed promising results in reducing the symptoms they were experiencing. This led us to begin research with a larger population. Our research results were promising and were published late in 2023. (A link to the study is under the research tab on this website. We learned that IASIS Micro Current Neruofeedback reduced symptoms of depression, anxiety, and PTSD in the participants in this study.. Since that time we have seen positive outcomes in children and adults. Although children were not research participants, we have helped children as young a six years old. Children tolerate the procedures without discomfort and without the potential side effects of medication. IASIS MCN seems to improve the ability to regulate our emotions, decrease symptoms of anxiety and depression, and we have had success with those struggling with TBI and migraines.